That Jenny must be a special woman, considering how often she’s been sung about: Mitch Ryder did it (Jenny Take A Ride), but also Paolo Nutini (Jenny Don’t Be Hasty), Tommy Tutone (867-5309 / Jenny), Sandy Coast (The Eyes Of Jenny), The Killers (Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine), and Chicago (Jenny), to name some of the better known great songs about her. How nice, UK musician collective West Coast Music Club add a perfect guitar pop song to this list. In their lyrics Martin Adams and Peter Madden describe how Jenny is doing now: “She’s the wrong side of forty and seen her share of life // Been a daughter and a lover, a mother and a wife.” Good news to sing along: “Jenny’s still got what it takes // Woo hoo hoo hoo!”
Jenny is a digital single b/w Girl. Add to wantlist: Bandcamp
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