New album: Whelpwisher || Same Mistakes
Ben Grigg’s latest experiment pays off in fuzz and melody
For two weeks last December, between work and life’s daily chaos, Ben Grigg (Geronimo!, The Gunshy, Exploding in Sound Records) took on a self-imposed challenge: write and record a song every day. The twelve best results now make up Same Mistakes, the latest Whelpwisher album.
It’s not a perfectly cohesive indie rock record, but that’s part of its charm. Among the twelve tracks are some seriously good tunes, packed with reverb, fuzzy tones, and a hint of shoegaze, all tied together by a strong pop sensibility. The opening duo of Saad and the title track alone made me want to share it here. Another highlight is Green Eggs, which brings to mind The Brother Kite’s Waiting for the Time to Be Right album. Other bands that come to mind while listening to Same Mistakes are The 101, Dazy, and Ash.
More than anything, Griggs proves that spontaneity and strong songwriting can go hand in hand.
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