It took a while for The Guy Hamper Trio to release their debut full-length All The Poisons in the Mud in late 2022, but they’ve been unstoppable ever since. Dog Jaw Woman is the third album by Guy Hamper (better known as Billy Childish) on guitar, Julie Hamper on bass and Wolf Howard on drums, with James Taylor on Hammond organ. This time we get ten original instrumentals, including the four tracks—Dog Jaw Woman b/w The First Creature Is Jealousy and Instrument Of Evil b/w Incense Rising From A Censer—which were previously available on 7″ vinyl. The foundation is still soulful garage rock, but now with more jazzy elements, both in terms of expanding compositions and through the addition of trumpet and saxophone—always with captivating and atmospheric melodies. While it’s not as polished as is usual there, this sound would do great in a gritty chase movie.
Dog Jaw Woman, written & produced by Billy Childish, is out now on vinyl LP through Damaged Goods Records.
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