Dave Strong is on fire lately. We recently caught him rocking a blue and white surf attire while jamming with Brad Marino’s hot rod ‘n’ roll revival. And if his Instagram is any indication, Marino’s not the only one tapping Strong’s musical chops for live shows.
But Strong’s been busy cooking up his own tunes too. His self-titled debut offered a fun blend of pop-punk with oldies-but-goodies rock ‘n’ roll. His latest batch of songs, pressed on a wantlist-worthy 7″ single, continues along that trajectory.
The title track I Hate Joe King’s Roommate (video below) is a fast old school pop punk song coming straight out of the songbook of The Queers. We’re dying to know: has the unfortunate roommate heard it yet? And more importantly, is there video evidence of his reaction? The 7″ single has two additional songs, one of which is streaming now. It’s I Wanna Know, and might just be Strong’s catchiest tune to date. It’s a perfect cocktail of classic rock ‘n’ roll and pop-punk, topped off with some pitch-perfect “ooooh-weeeh-ooos”
While we could have waited until all songs were streaming and the record was out, it’s already up for pre-order at Critical Mass. Given Strong’s growing reputation, this one might sell out fast.
Add to wantlist: Critical Mass