In 2003, Austin, Texas-based punk rock band Eastside Suicides released their self-titled debut album on CD through Super Secret Records. It involved ten dirty and dangerous songs in the tradition of New York Dolls – garage punk meets glam rock – with Frankie Nowhere as the charismatic frontman. Now it’s released on vinyl for the first time, as a remastered 20th anniversary reissue, under a different title – Streets Got Your Baby – with alternative cover art. Most important: this music hasn’t lost any of its dirt, power and expressiveness, and the four ‘new’ bonus tracks that close the record – Tear Me Apart, Justa Lookin’, All Dressed Up and Streets Got Yo Baby – are no less than what precedes them.
Streets Got Your Baby, remastered by Jack Control, is out now digitally and on vinyl LP through Desolate Sounds.
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