Last month, Spud Cannon shared 5 albums that influenced their new record Good Kids Make Bad Apples on our site. In that feature, I gave my first impression of the album, describing it as energetic and celebratory indiepop’n’roll with plenty of bite and having the raw energy and authenticity of a live show. Today marks the actual release of the record, and I am writing this post as a reminder that this record is worth your time. If you miss those early zeroes indierock releases, you’ll enjoy this one. If you feel down, this record will lift you up. If you miss going to shows or festivals, the songs on this record are absolute made to be experienced live. Album openers Juno and Supersonic may be the best songs on the record, and I can see songs like You Got It All (NOT), Na Na Na do particularly well with live audiences. There is a sense of anarchy, joy and fearlessness to Spud Cannon, a band who won’t ask permission to record their album at your local squash court or play live shows at your rooftop.
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