With a world in shatters – or perhaps it only feels that way and we should not worry too much, I applaud any band that has “Jangle pop music will save the world” as a tagline. Particularly when the music lives up to the expectations. Leave that up to Lars From Subterfuge, a band that released an excellent full-length this Spring – read our post on that one here. The Radio Field is Lars’ new bedroom recording project where he takes parts of underground jangle pop and ’90s college rock, gives them a fair shake and it tastes sublime.
Helped out by his 10-year old (!) son and some friends, the four-song Simple EP is indeed a strong debut. Naturally, I am partial to the two upbeat jangly college poppers on the EP (Clover & Years Ago), but I’m don’t feel the need to skip the two slower more subdued and moody songs, of which Congratulations is actually a cover of a Strange Magic song. I’d never heard of that artist, but I do now. There is some excellent material in his back catalogue and he is currently working on a song-per-week release streak aiming for a 52 song 2022 – listen here. If you are a fan of Elvis Costello there is a good chance Strange Magic is right in your wheelhouse.
On topic: The Simple EP is excellent. It’s out now on CD through Subjangle.
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