I’m all ears whenever The Sino Hearts release new music. Zunisono Zhong, who is the mastermind behind The Sino Hearts, is adept in creating the best cocktails out of elements of powerpop, garage rock, punk and mod music.
Following the success of last year’s Lightening The Darkness, where the band admirably fulfilled the promise hinted at on their two earlier, slightly uneven yet undeniably awesome albums, Phantom Rhapsody enters the spotlight with the bar set high. It prompts the question of whether Zhong will maintain his trajectory towards becoming one of the eminent songwriters in the punky powerpop’n’roll sphere. Based on my first impressions, the answer is a resounding YES!
The Sino Hearts blast through a jukebox of hits on Phantom Rhapsody. While the influence of iconic bands like Exploding Hearts and modern power pop luminaries such as The Speedways is discernible, The Sino Hearts have managed to transcend these influences. They’ve evolved into true originals, while remaining the true believers of the power of rock’n’roll they’ve always been.
You’ve got to hand it to the people involved, especially considering the challenges faced during the pandemic era in China. Recording amidst disruptions caused by relentless COVID testing, sudden border closures, and mandatory home quarantines undoubtedly posed multifaceted challenges. Yet, the fact that they’ve managed to produce such a remarkable record stands as a testament to The Sino Hearts’ unwavering determination and resilience.
Phantom Rhapsody is out now on Soundflat and Topsy Turvy Records.
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