I caught myself having goosebumps. It was at the start of Shoulda Stayed, the fourth song of the new Samiam LP Stowaway. Until that song, Stowaway already had my full attention which, I have to admit, is becoming rather unusual. Frequently, when bands I absolutely loved decades ago release new music, I find myself doing a quick browse, dismissing the record either to revisit their older stuff, or to move on to the latest shiny object. Not in the case of Stowaway though, an excellent record by a band that started in the late ’80s and developed as forebearers of ’90s emotional and melodic punk rock.
To say that Samiam sounds inspired on their first new LP in twelve years is an understatement. Stowaway has that rare quality of a classic band that has found a way to expand and evolve their sound in a way that will make existing fans excited and should appeal to new fans. Front-to-back, this is a great record. It is out now through Pure Noise Records.