If you frequent this site, you probably know that mine and Dennis’ tastes diverge quite a lot. Most definitely, Dennis has lower tolerance for the fast and loud stuff (#toopunkfordennis), whereas I grew up listening to that stuff and still can get a rush of adrenaline from great hardcore bands. Usually I refrain from posting about such bands. We can only cover so many genres. But in the last couple of weeks I’ve listened to several new hardcore releases I am excited about, and felt like sharing them. Album title links to bandcamp page where you can purchase these records. Let’s go!
Illiterates || Illiterates
Illiterates are from Pittsburgh. The album cover of their self-titled album features a adolescent sticking a pencil in his eye while holding his book upside down, and sitting at a school desk on which SKOOL SUX and female and male parts are scratched into. That is pretty intense, just like their 12 songs in 12 minutes hardcorepunk full length. Short, fast and loud with a strong early 80s feel.
Turquoise || Hantise
Turquoise are from Paris. They kick off the record with singer Romain howling AAAAARBBBEEEEIIT! not unlike Ray Cappo used to do in Youth Of Today (MAKE A CHAAAANGGEEEEE). Tourquoise does have elements of the Youth Crew HC style, but mainly do their own thing, even adding the occasional guitar solo. Guess what color the vinyl is.
Weak Ties || Find A Way
Weak Ties are from Bielefeld (Germany) and play a modern version of hardcore. One of the songs on Find A Way is called Rage Is Not A Quiet Thing, which sums up this record perfectly. Intense stuff. Singer Laura appears to leave every millimeter of her vocal chords on this record.
Fading Signal || Nothing Feels Good Anymore
This EP was released back in january. Six minutes of classic hardcore from North Carolina. Short, fast and massive bridge parts.
Arm’s Reach || Fuel To My Hate
Arizona hardcoreband Arm’s Reach have a lot of bottled up anger and frustration. About cops, religion, and basically life in general. Fuel To My Hate is a cathartic and anthemic release of those emotions.
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