New split single: Queen Serene || Glitter Disco b/w Heavy Meddo || La Mer
Austin bands build a wall of noise to look up to
The title Glitter Disco could easily raise false expectations, because it is actually a wall of jangly guitars that marks the boundary between art rock and post-punk, with shoegaze influences seeping through. It is one of the strong tracks from Queen Serene’s versatile 2 LP that was released last November, now filling one side of a beautifully designed split 7″ single. The flipside is by Heavy Meddo, also from Austin, Texas, who bring equally hazy post rock to the stage with La Mer, in which the noisy guitars are supported by compelling synths. Two times five minutes that provide a hypnotic session.
Glitter Disco b/w La Mer is out digitally and on limited edition vinyl 7”, with cover art by Nick Stout and Bill Baird respectively. Queen Serene are Sarah Ronan (guitar, vocals), Matt Galceran (guitar, vocals), Dale Pohly (bass, tambourine) and Riley Corcoran (drums). Heavy Meddo are Bill Baird (guitar, synth, vocals), Jonathan Horne (guitar), DB Tamir (bass), Jordan Johns (drums, percussion), Sarah Ronan (vocals) and Amy Annelle (vocals).
Add to wantlist: Queen Serene‘s or Heavy Meddo‘s Bandcamp