New EP: Cluttered || Accidents
Did you know there is an ongoing war against clutter? Writers are taught clutter is a disease of dullness and unclarity. And home owners increasingly go full Marie Kondo on their house, throwing away much of their belongings and keep the remainder organized. So yeah, clutter is something to avoid, which makes Cluttered such a great band name for a punk band. I am talking about Halifax queer pop punk band Cluttered, who just released a new EP called Accidents. The irony, of course, is that Cluttered play music that is in fact very economical and efficient: two-minute anthems that are somewhere at the midpoint of the classic pop punk sound from the Bay Area and the modern indie punk sound of bands like Radiator Hospital. Catchy and direct, with a healthy dose of quirkiness and dual (trial? quadral?) vocals that give the songs even more energy and melody.
Cluttered is somewhat of a supergroup of the Halifax punk scene, including Matty Grace (Future Girls, Weekend Dads, and of another quarantine project we wrote about a while back: Modern Cynics), Becca Dalley (Designosaur), Danny Bailey and Dylan Mombourquette (Jabber, Crunchcoat). And Cassia Hardy (Wares) sings on one of the tracks of Accidents,The Toll. I planned on writing about the band’s first EP, which contains one of my favorite songs that came out of the pandemic: Pandemic Year (Watching my fading youth // circle the drain // Waiting for tomorrow to start and today to end repeat again // Whats this about a finish line?). That EP is just as cool as the new one. Fortunately, both EPs are now conveniently available on one CD. Just want the tape? The band only made 69. Yep.
Update (9/23): Both EPS are now available on one convenient platter of vinyl!
Add to wantlist: Bandcamp || Bloated Kat Records