New album: Monte Del Oso || Son Los Demás Los Que Están Equivocados
Monte Del Oso is a Spanish indie rock band of three. The band has been releasing music since 2015, and just released their fourth record: Son Los Demás Los Que Están Equivocados (It’s the others who are wrong).
It’s a strong outing from the band. To my ears, Monte Del Oso operate somewhere between underground US pop/rock of the ’80s, altpop from the ’90s and emo tinged punkrock of the late ’90s early ’00s. The songs are melodic but in an understated manner, making them all the more powerful. Son Los Demás Los Que Están Equivocados is the kind of record where I discover a new favorite song with each play. It’s a rewarding record, a reminder that it pays off to give records more attention than a quick scan.
Son Los Demás Los Que Están Equivocados is out now on Underhill Records and Farmway Records.
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