Almost like they want to give you ample time to settle in or buckle up, Krystian Quint & The Quitters start Lost & Found—the opening track of their debut album Something Like That—with 50 seconds of echoing guitar and easy bass riffing sans drums. Then, the song kicks into what is easily one of the year’s first standout punk rock tracks.
But don’t let Krystian Quint (of The Stools, Expest, etc.) fool you into thinking Something Like That is simply another punk record. The press release cites C86, twee, and major-label indie bands like Velvet Crush, Blake Babies, and Pavement. For every punk track (Outer Drive is another favorite), there’s an indie counterpart that does much more than soothe your eardrums. Quin, who does all the heavy lifting here, clearly knows his way around a tune. While the samples below give you a taste, I highly recommend exploring the whole album to get fully acquainted.
Something Like That is out now on cassette via Quality Time Records.
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