Abes Bones are a roots rock band from Tucson, Arizona, featuring James Willis (vocals, guitar), Shane Harkins (bass, backup vocals) and Ben Pearson (drums, backup vocals), where functionally assisted by guest musicians. They draw attention with the cover’s collage art and the provocative title of their new full-length Strafed By All Gods Angels, but make an even bigger impression with the ten songs that follow after pressing the play button. In an interview with Tucson Weekly, the frontman – blessed with an awesome singing voice – explained that the album explores the topics of loss and personal maturation. It was recorded live in his living room, which explains the intimate and straightforward sound, but not how on earth it is possible that everything is so well thought out. Musically it is a diverse mix – actually also a collage – of folk, rock, psych and blues, played by rich instrumentation with an eye for detail, reinforced by catchy harmonies, leading to maximum synergy. Truly unique.
Strafed By All Gods Angels, produced by Luca D’Ippolito, is out now digitally via Coyote Oak.
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