Baltimore’s Unicorn Dogs, featuring two-thirds of Charlie Brown Gets a Valentine, bring their emotional edge to a poppier punk territory. Their debut album Age Typical Junk Behavior is extremely catchy, but comes with a sufficiently raw edge to keep genre purists nodding along – fully awake and kinda hyped.
While not exactly a “mature” record, Unicorn Dogs bark with the energy of eager pups. Lyrically, though, they’re all grown up, navigating the maze of adulthood with a wry smile. Take this sample lyric from Return Policy: “I should be tough but I’m not // Withstanding what the world throws at me // I know my feelings are a gift // But I’d like to trade them in.”
It’s this blend of youthful zest, world-weariness and veteran skill that makes Age Typical Junk Behavior stand out from the pack. RIYL: Dear Landlord, The Copyrights, Houseboat, CBGaV.
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