“Here´s a game that we all seem to know so well:
How to paint a perfect picture of yesterday
Everytime we lack a color, we use black instead
The shapes are hazy in your head.”
Some bands seem to release the right record at the perfect time. Speaking from my own experience, it’s been a while since I’ve encountered a current band that embodies ’90s punk rock — mid-paced, melodic, and somewhat emo, as effectively as Finland’s Custody does. And at this exact moment, I am totally in the mood to nod my head and sing along to societally conscious choruses much like the one above, which comes from the opening track (Lack a Color) of Custody’s third LP. The record which came out this week is simply titled 3 and follows their self-titled debut (2018) and 2 (2020), both of which were also well above average.
Custody has five members who, throughout the years, have poured a lot of heart and sweat into the European punkrock scene in bands like NHL 95, Cigarette Crossfire, Cause A Riot, Life Giving Waters, Bazed, and Buried At Last. 3 represents a 30-minute accumulation of skill and experience. While the lyrics convey weariness, concern and dread, the band has channeled these emotions into their music as the best possible coping mechanism. I am unsure what impresses me more: the total lack of weak moments on the record or how passionate Custody sounds throughout it all.
If you are looking to discover one of the best current European punk rock bands in the vein of Samiam, Knapsack, and Hot Water Music, the latest Custody LP is essential listening. 3 is out now through Brassneck, My Ruin, Combat Rock Industry, Shield Recordings and Sell The Heart Records.
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