New album: R.E. Seraphin || Fool’s Mate

R.E. Seraphin returns to the wantlist with his sophomore LP Fool’s Mate. Then again, it’s not like the Gimme 5! alumn ever left our site. This also applies to his music, which is of the kind that slowly gets under your skin and ultimately settles for a permanent spot somewhere between your brain and heart regions.

Following that trajectory, Seraphin’s new LP Fool’s Mate is build on introverted allure rather than extraverted charisma. Together with his bandmates (that includes members of Chime School, Sob Stories, and Al Harper), Seraphin lets the music do the talking. And clearly, a lot of care went into the construction of these songs, with each member getting ample room to let their talent shine wherever they desire. There is a lot to unpack here and I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface after a couple of listens. Seraphin et al. draw you into their intimate world that is characterized by hushed vocals and subtle yet rich instrumentation. It has a quiet intensity that speaks volumes.

On Fool’s Mate, R.E. Saraphin transcends the power pop of his past releases – the instant hit Bound is probably closest to that sound, and creates something unique and distinct in today’s musical landscape. Let’s call it quality indie pop, but it’s very much its own thing, a product of creative ambition and freedom. Worth diving into for sure!

For more on the new album, read this insightful interview at Paperface zine. Fool’s Mate is out today on Safe Suburban Home and Take a Turn Records.

Add to wantlist: Bandcamp || Safe Suburban Home

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