New album: Jerry, At The Beach || Who’s Jerry

New Jersey’s Jerry, At The Beach, you know ’em? Their new record Who’s Jerry? is pretty good! At times it sounds like a scrappy and lo-fi version of Nada Surf, at other times they remind me of the beach-y and poppy indie rock of The Brother Kite, and still other times of the pop punk of Midtown. In between, there are some brit pop vibes as well.

At 55 minutes, Who’s Jerry is a tad long, and slightly uneven record, but I’m finding much to enjoy. I’ts not on Bandcamp nor on Soundcloud (yet?), I’m afraid. It is on other streaming services though. If you want a quick taste, play Round & Round, DMT Loser and Father’s Day.

Jerry, At The Beach is Ethan Flynn & Josh Russell. Who’s Jerry was self-released on December, 30th.

Add to wantlist: Streaming only I guess…

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