After three self-titled records (Hakan I, II, and III), Italian pop punk meastros Hakan return with their latest hit-filled record Hakan Manifesto. If you haven’t heard about Hakan, you may think it is an one man band. It’s not. It’s a three-piece from North Italy, with all three members (Andrea Carminati, Andrea Facheris, Marco Facheris) involved in the song writing process.
Hakan Manifesto has all the ingredients that made the band’s past efforts so entertaining: High energy, and a sense of melody that is above par in the scene. Intentional or not, the pop punk of Hakan appears to harbor many influences. Do you like the Queers? You’ll like Hakan. Do you like the music of Jeff Burke (Marked Men, Radioactivity, and Lost Balloons)? You’ll like Hakan. Do you like Wild Honey Records and Dirtnap Records? Well, put their rosters in a blender and it will kinda sorta sound like Hakan. So yeah, Hakan Manifesto will appeal to a broader fanbase than the Ramonescore crowd. It is a killer record that’s full of hooks that can be distilled to one word: FUN.
Want to know more about Hakan and their new record? Check out their interview with New Noise Magazine. Hakan Manifesto is available for streaming now. Vinyl records expected to ship this Spring through Striped Music (Worldwide) and One Chord Wonder (Italy).
Add to wantlist: Bandcamp || One Chord Wonder || Striped Music